The Woodward Alumni Hall of Fame Association
School News

April 4, 2023
Woodward's Diesel Tech program has finalized a new partnership with Ohio Peterbilt and Peterbilt Motors Company, which allows students to utilize the same training and curriculum used by Peterbilt technicians. This will give students an edge in securing internships and potential full-time employment. Advantages to our 3-way partnership with Ohio Peterbilt and Peterbilt Motors Company:
Full Access to Peterbilt Technician Online Training Curriculum (Updated constantly with industry changes)
Face-to-face testimonials with our students about their business, profession, or expertise.
Mentorship of high school students.
Internships, Apprenticeships, and on-the-job training.
Job shadowing workshops for our students.
Live “in-class” demonstrations by industry professionals.
Our students receive basic skills and prerequisite industry training prior to graduation.
Offer worksite tours.
November 17, 2022
We all had an incredible, fun 3 days this week celebrating our Turkey day Thanksgiving at Woodward high school. Kudos to Principal Jack Renz, cafeteria staff and the office staff for Preparing all the fixings and cooking 20 Turkeys donated by Mr. Keary Sarabia with the T.A.C.K.L.E. organization; many thanks to him. The food was all amazingly delicious, and the students truly enjoyed it. All the tables were decorated so festive too. It sure was a lot of work, but it was so worth it to see all the smiles on the student's faces. GO POLAR BEARS.

Friday May 7, 2021
Woodward had a big surprise last Friday when carpenter, Marty Ueberroth from Local 272 delivered a new hand-crafted cabinet for Woodward's new Polar Bear Mascot statue. Countless hours were spent by the talented craftsmen in design, material selection and construction of the new home for the bear, proudly placed in the Woodward Main Dome/Front entrance.
Other members of Local 272, electricians, Steve Flood and Brad Haupricht did all the wiring and lighting. Painter, Bill Syroka, provided the staining. It was a true labor of love and a perfect boost for Woodward Spirit. Many of the students and staff were overheard saying 'what a cool new feature was being added to Woodward,' while Mr. Ueberroth and fellow local 272 team carpenter Rocky Chamberlin positioned the bear and readied the cabinet for final placement in the Woodward main hallway.
Woodward staff, students and especially Principal Renz would like to thank the talented team of craftsmen that built the new Polar Bear museum quality home. Special thanks goes to Quinton Reynold the entire business office and all the craftsmen of local 272 for their skilled support year round. Principal Renz said, "This Polar Bear museum quality cabinet represents true quality and craftsmanship in their trade!" Woodward plans to recognize the labor team that built the display with a brass plate recognizing the craftsmen and local 272. The plate will reflect the date and names of the craftsmen that built the beautiful cabinet when affixed to the exterior. Thank you to local 272 for showing some great Woodward Spirit!!!
Also, thanks to Roxanne Marx, Woodward site coordinator for helping organize the team project, assistant principal Mary Dunne for reaching out to Wayfair and negotiating the donation of the actual Polar Bear. We would also like to recognize retired administrator Marsha Jackisch and alumnus Stan Czerminski for arranging purchase of the plexiglass at reduced cost from Woodward neighbor, Seeger Metals and Plastics Inc., located on Manhattan Blvd. Way to Go Polar Bears!!!!
Pictured is the new Bear in his museum quality display and 272 Local Carpenter, Marty Ueberroth standing next to the display.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Woodward High School hosted its annual Scholarship Breakfast recognizing students for academic achievement and overall dedication to Woodward and Woodward Spirit. The keynote address was given by founder and CEO of RFS Behavioral Health of Toledo, and 1991 Woodward Graduate, Keary Sarabia.
Along with recognizing many students for academic achievement and earned scholarships, special guests Ivan and Jeff Jaffe, of Harold Jaffe Jewelers, joined Woodward administration in once again recognizing the outstanding senior male and outstanding senior female with the Harold Jaffe Award. The gift of a watch, donated in honor of their father and Woodward graduate Harold Jaffe, is presented to the seniors and was started in 1988. This special recognition is a tradition carried over from former graduate and local jeweler Max Davis started 20 years prior. The male and female watch is engraved with their name and recognition of being outstanding seniors and includes a lifetime warranty. This year's outstanding senior male is Mr. James Miller and outstanding senior female is Ms. Zakarea Neal. The award is recognition for demonstrated positive spirit, dedication, academic achievement, citizenship and leadership demonstrated throughout the students Woodward career. Congratulations to both seniors.
This year, Woodward added a special recognition to staff and alumni of Calvin M. Woodward High School. Woodward recognized 10 staff members and friends that demonstrated above and beyond support during difficult COVID times. These folks stepped up and went above and beyond in their support of our students and school in difficult times.
Pictured are recognized staff, friends and alumni.
(Top Row, l to r) Mr. Sean Wesolowski, Social Studies Teacher, Mr. Aaron Kaun, Dean of Students, Mr. Michael Aldrich, Special Education Teacher, Ms. Marcia McNulty Para- Professional, (Middle Row l to r,) Ms. Ann Koch-West, AVID teacher and Acting Athletic Director, Ms. Carolyn Yenrick, APEX Credit Recovery Teacher, Ms. Bernadette Hernandez, APEX Credit Recovery Teacher, (Bottom Row l to r) Ms. Roxanne Marx, Site Coordinator, Mr. Mark Knabbs, CPO and Head Basketball Coach, (Center) Keynote Speaker, Mr. Keary Sarabia and Mr Stan Czerminski, Woodward Alumnus and Friend.
Woodward would like to again congratulate all students on their academic achievement and scholarships. Also, a huge thank you to those staff and friends for their continued support of our school. Lastly, a huge thanks and appreciation goes to Assistant Principal of Curriculum, Ms. Mary Dunne, Woodward Guidance counselors, Ms. Sarah Ramirez, Ms. Sally Thornton and Ms. Brooke Rasmus, and the entire committee for hosting a wonderful recognition breakfast.

Toledo Public Schools October 23, 2020
Yesterday, Woodward High School (Toledo, Ohio)
counselor, Sarah Ramirez was presented the 2020 Ohio School Counselor High School Counselor of the Year Award through OSCA. Jack Renz, WHS Principal said this of Mrs. Ramirez, "Mrs. Ramirez is a caring and passionate educator, based and grounded in school counseling and student social and emotional wellness and positive growth. Not only an employee, she is a friend and vital colleague who works closely with me in the management of a school that takes a true team to run. It is her tireless dedication to her work, community, and students that affords her the recognition of School Counselor of the Year. Mrs. Ramirez demonstrates the character and work ethic worthy of such recognition. Her efforts as a counselor in our school are unmatched..."
Congratulations Mrs. Ramirez on this wonderful recognition!